New Perspectives on Media وجهات نظر جديدة حول الإعلام والهجرة

This training program is open to people in Lebanon engaged in journalism (journalists, editors, documentarians, bloggers, filmmakers, photographers, and others). Besides journalists, it is especially suitable for people working with communication or documentation for NGOs.

The workshops give participants an opportunity to broaden on their own perspectives and challenge any preconceived notions they might have; to locate and uncover power structures in society and their own field of work; and to envision new, more just and equitable, ways of reporting.

These trainings are developed in collaboration with Mashallah News.

Find more information about the program at Switch Perspective.

For more information and registration: info_at_switch-perspective_dot_com

هذا البرنامج التدريبي مفتوح للعاملين في الصحافة في لبنان (صحفيين, محررين, وثائقيين, مدونين, صانعي أفلام, مصورين وغيرهم). وإلى جانب الصحفيين، فهي مناسبة بشكل خاص للأشخاص الذين يعملون في التواصل أو التوثيق للمنظمات غير الحكومية
تعطي هذه الورش المشاركين فرصة لتوسيع وجهات نظرهم وتحدي أي أفكار مسبقة قد تكون لديهم؛ تحديد مواقع هياكل السلطة في المجتمع ومجال عملها والكشف عنها؛ وتصور طرق جديدة وأكثر عدلا وإنصافا للتقرير.

تم تطوير هذه التدريبات بالتعاون مع أخبار ماشاء الله
يمكن العثور على مزيد من المعلومات حول البرنامج في تبديل المنظور

لمزيد من المعلومات والتسجيل

Coming Sessions:

New Reflections on Exile and Migration

Tripoli: 5, 6 and 7 March

Beirut: Spring 2020

Are you a journalist, someone with experience in media and writing, or someone working with refugees and migration? This workshop, held in Tripoli on 5, 6 and 7 March, will give you an opportunity to reflect on your own perspectives, develop better understandings of migration in Lebanon, and find ways to do better reporting on the topic.

The workshop is open to anyone with a journalistic experience, including writers, documentarians, photographers, bloggers, students and others, and anyone working with refugees and migration, in particular those in communication or documentation who come in close contact with journalists.

During two and a half days, using participatory and reflective methods, we will look at ourselves as journalistic actors: how our own experiences have shaped us and our perspectives, how the way we report has an impact on others, and how we can do journalism in a way that defies stereotypes and promotes justice and equality.

Time: Thursday 5 (from 2 to 5:30pm), Friday 6 (from 9:30 – 5:00 pm), Saturday 7 March (from 9:30 – 5:00 pm) 2020.

Place: TBD. There is a possibility to sleep in a hotel if needed.
Language: English and Arabic, with simultaneous translation
Price: Free

To apply, fill in this form before February 27

New Approaches to Media Production, Journalism and Storytelling

Beirut – 13, 14 March

This course is delivered under the Alternative Academy, in collaboration with Lebanon Support. It is open to people wanting to get a better understanding of stereotypes and power dynamics in the context of journalism and media and find ways to do more just and equitable reporting and writing. During those two days, participants will reflect on their own perspectives and positions of privilege and/or experience of oppression, and look critically at media production through new perspectives. Participants will also get the chance to explore and practice creative non-fiction and creative writing as well as pitching and storytelling.

The course will take place during 2 days and will tackle the following topics:

  • Why do we need to rethink how we do journalism?
  • Reproducing stereotypes and how to avoid single stories.
  • Journalistic perspectives through exploring photos
  • Exploring each one’s own positionality
  • Creative writing.
  • Pitching and storytelling.
  • Reflecting on previous work done and exploring new views